Friday, October 22, 2010

GameInformer Addendum

And then they have the fucking audacity to dock Amnesia .75 for "low replayability" ON A $20 INDIE GAME ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! How the fuck does a game as amazing as Amnesia lose to trash like Halo?!


GameInformer is the scum of the earth.

Halo: Reach gets a 9.5, meanwhile Knights of the Old Republic is getting crucified as one of the worst games made because "the characters are re-hashes of canonical Star Wars Movie characters". I'd also like to point out that they never provided any specific examples of any characters that are just rehashes. This is especially hilarious when Halo is just every PC FPS ever made prior to it on a console, yet this doesn't warrant a mention.

They also proceed to bash World of Warcraft, not that I want to defend that Lore Raping piece of shit, but they bash it for the wrong reason. They complain that the gameplay is the same as Everquest when that was released. IT'S A FUCKING MMORPG DICKWAD HOW ELSE IS THE COMBAT SUPPOSED TO BE?! Are we going to go with this bullshit that Action RPGs should be MMOs now? This shit doesn't work, lag, regardless of how good computers are nowadays, IS INEVITABLE AND IN THE HIGHLY COMPETITIVE WORLD OF MMORPGS WHEN YOU CAUSE SOMEONE TO LOSE BECAUSE OF LAG THEY WILL RAGEQUIT! Your MMO is destined to die if it uses some fancy new combat system. If you don't like the combat DON'T PLAY THE FUCKING GAME! Just because you think the combat is "old" doesn't mean it's not perfect for the genre.

Finally, the entire Pokemon series is called "the same game". Anyone with half a brain knows why this is fucking bullshit because everyone played pokemon as a kid. The new games have new little monsters to collect, new magical moves to use in their death battles, and a new cutesy continent full of happy people willing to let a 10 year old kid wander the planet training deadly monsters. THAT'S WHAT POKEMON IS! IT'S A GREAT CONCEPT WITH NEARLY FLAWLESS EXECUTION IN TERMS OF ITS COMBAT! Why does all combat have to fall under the categories of either "what you deem to be fun" or "ground breakingly amazingly new" to be acceptable?

I've been done with this magazine ever since they rated Halo ODST a 9.25
In fact they kind of lost me with the decimal rating anyway. Not to get off on another rant but what separates a 9.25 and a 9.5? Fucking seriously.

Whatever, when Halo ODST got a 9.25 they sealed their fate as the worst "gaming" magazine ever. Now they've committed atrocities so grave that the only choice is to fucking destroy them on my blog to my one follower.

By the way, welcome. Yes I noticed you. Oooh, it feels weird to know that I have an audience now.. even if it is just one person.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What I've been doing instead of making blogs

So I came across someone throwing a hissy fit in TF2 because apparently someone was kicking the shit out of them as a Soldier or something

Saturday, October 2, 2010

An Update of things to come

I've been pretty dry on topics to rant about and games to complain about lately. For the most part I've been just playing Audiosurf, Dawn of War 2, and Fallout 2.

So coming up soon for Fragadacterlops you can expect a Dawn of War 2 review filled with much fanboy squeeing. I'm also going to be purchasing fraps in the next few months, hopefully I'll be able to capture some gameplay snippets for updates maybe even a full-on video review. You can also expect another RETROspective on Fallout 2 and an Angry Rant on the Fall of Final Fantasy.

So until then guys.
